
Pushbutton connected to digital pins 2,3,4

I tried connecting the speaker but it didn’t work.

Using the “vertical” potentiometer didn’t work. This is the part that matched the schematic in the lab. Maybe it needs a different resistor?

Switching to the larger “horizontal on breadboard” potentiometer worked. Although at the lowest level the LED flickers. Is that expected?


Could not get phototransistor working (I believe it is the led-looking part taped to the lid of the kit). Connected per schematic but nothing seems to happen.

Asked in Discord but I think maybe got different part in the kit.

Force sensitive transistor

Got those suckers hooked up to analog in and digital out to LEDs. They do not sit in the breadboard holes well so must be held in tight to get a stable read.


In class on 9/28, soldered wires onto the speaker and hooked it up to the board and got Tom’s example sketch playing music out of it.

Digital state change


Did the thing.